Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Reminder #10- Navy and Cream

 Hello Crafters, 

Just a friendly reminder that you still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  

Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You can scroll down to find the challenge or click HERE!

You have until 9AM (PST) Jan. 29th to join us!

Happy Crafting!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Color Hues # 10- Navy and Cream

Hello, Crafters!
It's the middle of the month already and time for our next Color Combo here at Color Hues!  The colors we have for you today (selected by me) are Navy and Cream.  My brain went right to a wedding card when I thought of this combo.  We can't wait to see where your thoughts go. 

We also have the talented Julie Peddicord 
joining us as our Guest! 
Welcome, Julie!

Our Guest Designer:

I just love your geometric offset card! Clean and Classy!

Our Design Team:



The challenge is open until 9:00 AM (EST) on January 29th.
 The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!



Winners for #9- Red and Grey

 Welcome back to Color Hues!  It's time to reveal the top picks from the Red and Grey challenge! The gallery was filled with absolutely beautiful creations, and I could have easily picked several other cards just as deserving. 

Here we go... 

 Congratulations Julie!
Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the guest designer details. 

Our runners-up:

We hope you all will enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone that joined us!  

We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!

Stay Tuned!


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Reminder # 9-Red and Grey

                                                      Hello Crafters, 

Just a friendly reminder that you still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  

Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You can scroll down to find the challenge or click HERE!

You have until 9AM (PST) Jan. 14th to join us!

Happy Crafting!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year and Color Hues # 9

     Hello and Happy New Year to you all! 

I hope this post finds you well and ready for a happier and brighter year ahead!  We know that things are not just magically going to get better overnight but we have to have faith that this year will be far better than the last one! Bye, Bye 2020 is what most of us are thinking, I am sure!  We also hope you enjoyed the Holidays however you chose to spend them and stayed healthy too. 

 Let's go see the colors Lindsey chose to kick off the New Year! 

We also have Marcia joining us as a guest for this challenge. 
Welcome, Marcia! 

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team:

The challenge is open until 9:00 AM (EST) on January 14th.
 The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!


Winners #8- Green and Blue

 Hello crafting friends and Happy New Year to you all!  

We appreciate those of you that squeezed some time in to join us during the Holidays. The gallery was full of beautiful cards for our Blue and Green Challenge, and Hannelie here to announce our winners. 

Congratulations Julie!
Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the guest designer details. 

 The runners up are; 


We hope you all will enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone that joined us!  

We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!

Stay Tuned!
