Hello Crafters,
Just a friendly reminder that you still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!
Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around!
You have until 9AM (PST) on April, 29th to join us!
Hello Crafters,
Just a friendly reminder that you still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!
Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around!
You have until 9AM (PST) on April, 29th to join us!
Hi, Julie here with the winners of my pink and green challenge. Thanks for all the lovely entries, you certainly don't make life easy when we have to choose the winners!
So let's go see who they are!
We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!
Stay tuned!
Hello, Just a friendly reminder that you still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!
Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around!
You have until 9AM (PST) April 14th to join us!
Hello, In spite of all the Spring colors out there this time of the year, so many embraced my black & white challenge!
It was tough picking the winners, so let's go see who they are!
We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!
Stay Tuned!