Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Reminder #68 Olive and Berry

  Hello Crafters, 

You still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  Just scroll down to find the fabulous gallery we already have along with the linky!

 Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You have until 9AM (EST) on July 28th to join us!

Hope to see you in our gallery!



Sunday, July 16, 2023

Color Hues #68 Olive and Berry

Hello, Crafters!
Nancy here and I am delighted to be your hostess for the middle-of-the-month challenge here at Color Hues. The Hues I have chosen are Olive and Berry. I know the last challenge was Merlot and this one is Berry and you are probably thinking, "Nancy, those are awfully close!" However, I did poll the team and asked if I should change it and they collectively decided that Berry was on the lighter more pinkish/purplish side of the spectrum and felt our wonderful supportive players wouldn't mind a similar color back-to-back. Heck, you get Olive Green this time, and that should make it doable! Right?

I also want to take a moment and welcome Bonnie; she was a previous winner and is guesting with us today!

We are certainly happy to have you, Bonnie!

Don't get hung up on the exact colors just stay in those Hues
 and just have fun creating! 

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team:

This challenge will be open until July 28th @ 9:00 AM EST

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!


Winner's Post #67-Merlot and Navy

Hello friends and a BIG thank you to all who played along with our NAVY & MERLOT color challenge!  You sure did make this color combo SHINE and also very hard for me to pick just a few standouts and a winner!  But choose I must,  so let's go see who they are!

 Congratulations Deborah!
Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the details about guesting with us.


We hope you all will enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone that joined us!  

We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!

Stay Tuned!



Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Reminder #67- Merlot and Navy

 Hello Crafters, 

You still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  Just scroll down to find the fabulous gallery we already have along with the link!

 Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You have until 9AM (EST) on July 14th to join us!

Hope to see you in our gallery!


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Color Hues #67 Merlot and Navy

Hello Crafters, 

It is the first of the month already and time for our next Hues of Color here at Color Hues!  Marcia here, and I chose the pairing of Merlot and Navy for your inspiration for the next two weeks!  

***Remember that for our challenge we want you to be inspired by the Hues of Colors, so don't get too hung up if the color Merlot isn't absolutely perfect. Just do the best you can. 

We also have Rosemary joining us today as our guest.  Welcome, Rosemary!  We are so happy to have you designing alongside us!

Now, wait till you see all the inspiration below!

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team:




This challenge will be open until July 14th @ 9AM!

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!


Winner's Post #66 Yellow and Green

Hello, Karen Here! 
Without a doubt, the hardest thing about being the hostess for the Color Hues Challenge is choosing the winners. I keep a list of all the cards I love as the challenge goes on, and there are always way more cards on the list than I can choose. Everyone who shares in our gallery makes this a challenge for the hostess!

  So let's go see who the winners are this time!

 Congratulations Bonnie Klass!
Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the details about guesting with us!

We hope you all will enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone that joined us!  

We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color that
I think you are going to love!

Stay Tuned!
