Sunday, November 1, 2020

Color Hues #5

 Hello November!  Did you have any Trick or Treaters at your house last night?  We had none!  I think a lot of families were playing it safe this year and making alternative fun for their kids and you can't blame them.  Sometimes the best memories are when you change things up a little or a lot. 

Anyhoo, you all blew us away with your fabulous cards for our Blue and Orange combo last time and we can't wait to see what you do with this color combination.  This is one of my favorites for sure!  We also have JoAnn with us as a guest designer.
  Welcome, JoAnn!

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team:

The challenge is open until 9:00 AM (EST) on November,14th.
 The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!

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