Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Color Hues #34-Red and Black

If you happened to drop by sometime in the past few days you may have noticed I failed to write my normal greeting.  I totally dropped the ball somehow! OOPS!  Sorry about that, folks!  Let's fix that now! 

Hello, It's the first of February and Karen is our fabulous hostess for this challenge, she has picked a perfect color combo for many occasions, including Valentine's Day!  We also have Michal joining us as our guest once again!  Welcome, Michal!  We are very lucky to have you with us! 

Now, get ready to be inspired! 

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team:


We can't wait to see how these Two Hues of Color inspire you! 


This challenge will be open until February, 14th @ 9AM!

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!


  1. I see I was on the same wave-length as Michal featuring that awesome love die! It looks beautiful with the bold background. In fact, all of these wonderful card designs featuring love are fantastic! Thank you for the inspiration! Hugs, Darnell

  2. What striking cards and the colour combination looks amazing in the gallery too. Thank you for the fabulous inspiration x.


Thanks for leaving us a comment as we love hearing from our participants. Happy crafting!