Sunday, January 1, 2023

Color Hues #55 Light Pink and Gold and New DT Members

Hello! Nancy Here, 
On behalf of the Color Hues Design Team, I would like to say Happy New Year!  I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season and are as excited as we are to see what the year 2023 has in store for us, on the crafty side of things that is!  

Before I get to the first Hues of Colors I have for you,  I would like to give a Big Welcome to not one, not two, but three New Design Team Members! 

 I have been keeping this secret for far too long, and am super excited to have these wonderful ladies joining our team!  I am absolutely sure that you know each one of these talented ladies and no introductions will be needed. Make sure you stop by their blogs and give them a quick Congratulations! 

Welcome, Ladies! We are lucky to have you! 

Now, let's go see what colors I have chosen for your inspiration! 

Our Design Team: 

This challenge will be open until Jan. 14th @ 9AM!

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!



  1. Happiest New Year to you all - and a very warm welcome to Jules, Marcia, and Stef!! Woo HOOOO!

  2. So happy to see familiar faces being added to the design team. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2023.

  3. Congrats to the newest members of the team!!

  4. You've all made such beautiful cards! Thank you for the inspiration and welcome to all the new members!

  5. Congratulations to the new DT members! Lovely to see more talented friends in the lineup! As always, thank you for the challenge and the amazing inspiration. Happy New Year Hugs, Darnell

  6. Congrats to Jules, Stef and Marcia, and welcome! Wonderful DT cards, this will be one awesome challenge

  7. Lovely to see Jules, Stef and Marcia join the team - what an inspiring team! Happy new year to you all and looking forward to playing along here as often as possible! Vicky x


Thanks for leaving us a comment as we love hearing from our participants. Happy crafting!