Friday, September 15, 2023

Special Challenge-Lindsey's Legacy Hop and the Colors Purple and Red

 Hello Crafters, 

 Today, we are posting a day early because we have a very special Challenge here at Color Hues!  Carol Mayne is our wonderful hostess and she will be picking our winners. 

In conjunction with our normal Color Challenge, The Color Hues Design Team and a few guests from our sister challenge Seize the Birthday, are participating in a Blog Hop. 

We are hopping in memory of our dear friend, fellow cardmaker and Design Team member, Lindsey Martin-Penny, who sadly passed away last year from a rare and aggressive form of Ovarian Cancer.  

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Lindsey’s husband, Burke, thought it would be a great time to sell off her many craft supplies. All of the proceeds will to towards Lindsey’s Legacy Fund for Clear Cell Ovarian Cancer Research in cooperation with The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

The purpose of this hop is to honor Lindsey, to celebrate her life and all that she loved, as well as to spread the word to raise funds for Clear Cell Ovarian Cancer Research.  To find out the many ways you can help click HERE.

In honor of Lindsey, the team has created a variety of cards using her favorite color combo of Purple and Red. 

Our Guests from Seize the Birthday:


Our Design Team:

The next stop on the hop is Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.  Please be sure to leave a comment at each of the stops where you can learn more about Lindsey’s life, her loves and her legacy.

If you get lost along the way, please return to Emily Leiphart’s blog for the hop list and details. 

If you post on IG please use any of the following #hashtags so we along with Lindsey's family can see your card too. 

#lindseyslegacyhop #lindseyslegacyfund #clearcellovariancancer #ovariancancer #theprincessmargaret

Thank you for hopping with us. We are looking forward to seeing what you make for this challenge using Lindsey’s favorite colors. 

The challenge will be open until September 28th @ 9 AM EST!

Take care, Nanc'


  1. Oh what a beautiful tribute for sweet Lindsey

  2. Thank you Nancy and the Color Hues team for these beautiful and inspiring cards. I really appreciate what you’re doing in Lindsey’s honour. Best wishes, Burke.

  3. Such a wonderful rememberance of Lindsey.

  4. Such wonderful cards and tribute! Phenomenal !!!!!

  5. Such amazing projects and a lovely tribute.

  6. Great rememberance of Lindsey !!!!!


Thanks for leaving us a comment as we love hearing from our participants. Happy crafting!