Thursday, October 26, 2023

Reminder #74-Yellow and Kraft

 Hello Crafters, 

You still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  Just scroll down to find the fabulous gallery we already have along with the link!

 Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You have until 9AM (EST) on October 28th to join us!

Hope to see you in our gallery!


Monday, October 16, 2023

Color Hues #74-Yellow and Kraft

 Hello friends!

Hannelie here to announce the color duo for the next fortnight's challenge!

I could not resist throwing in my favorite yellow once more. This time I paired it with Kraft, which will work well for Autumn inspired designs for our friends in the Northern Hemisphere as well as Spring inspired designs for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere.

I'm looking forward to see what you create!

Our Design Team:


The challenge will be open until October 28th @ 9 AM EST!

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun! 


Winner's Post #73- Coral and Blue

 Dear Crafty Friends, 

It was wonderful seeing your Coral and Blue creations in the gallery! The cards were fabulous and I enjoyed looking at the variety of your styles and images! Thanks so much to everyone who played along. It is always difficult to choose a winner, but it's fun too. 

  So let's go see who they are!


Congratulations Linda!
Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the details about guesting with us. 

We hope you all will enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone who joined us!  

We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!

Stay Tuned!



Saturday, October 14, 2023

Reminder #73-Coral and Blue

 Hello Crafters, 

You still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  Just scroll down to find the fabulous gallery we already have along with the link!

 Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You have until 9AM (EST) on Oct. 14th to join us!

Hope to see you in our gallery!


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Color Hues #73- Coral and Blue

Hello Crafters, 

It is the first of the month already and time for our next Hues of Color here at Color Hues!  Cindy here, and I chose the pairing of Coral and Blue for your inspiration for the next two weeks!  

*Remember that for our challenge we want you to be inspired by the Hues of Colors we chose, so don't get too hung up if the color isn't absolutely perfect. Just do the best you can. 

We are fortunate today to have 3 guests joining us.  I would like to say welcome to Fran, Trina, and Jolanda.  All three were previous winners here at Color Hues.  Welcome, ladies!  We are happy to have you designing alongside us! 

Our Guest Designers:

Our Design Team:


This challenge will be open until October 14th @ 9AM!

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!


Winner's #72- Purple and Red


Thank you to all who played in our Red and Purple challenge in honour of our dear friend and teammate, Lindsey. Your lovely cards went above and beyond in warming our hearts and bringing us smiles. We so appreciate your support - and we know Lindsey's family does, too.

  Our Winner and Top Few are:


 Congratulations Libeeti!
Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the details about guesting with us. 

We hope you all will enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone who joined us!  

We will be back in one hour for our next Hues of Color!

Stay tuned for a combo we're sure you'll love.
