Saturday, March 16, 2024

Color Hues #83 Cream and Blue

Welcome, Crafters!

March 16th has certainly come quickly, hasn't it! Seemed but a blink ago that it was January 1st...and we whooshed through that month and February, too. Of course, mid-month brings a new Color Hues Challenge and, as your hostess, I - Carol - have selected Cream and Blue as inspiration for the next two weeks. Both colors invite a range of hues/shades, so hopefully, you'll find a pairing that speaks to you.  

My amazing teammates, as well as our guest designer, Steph, have lovely inspiration to spark your creativity.

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team:



The challenge will remain open until March 29th at 9 am!

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge and the overall winner will have the opportunity to be a future Guest Designer.

Most important: just have fun!




  1. Thank you so much for having me as GT, fabulous cream & blue inspiration from the DT x

  2. I think these colours are just lovely - perfect for elegant cards. Thanks to all the team for wonderful inspiration cards.

  3. I love your new Color Hues Logo! And fun colors this time too!

  4. Great colors to play with, and you DT gals knocked it outta the park! Great cards


Thanks for leaving us a comment as we love hearing from our participants. Happy crafting!