Monday, July 1, 2024

Color Hues #90 White and Aqua

Hello Crafters, Nancy here as your hostess today!

 It's the beginning of the month already and time for our next Hues of Color here at Color Hues!  Before I continue, I want to take a moment and wish our Canadian DT members and our Canadian friends and followers a Happy Canada Day! I hope you enjoy your Holiday, however you choose to spend it.  

Before we get to my colors, I need to welcome our wonderful Guest Designer- Nance Salkeld! Welcome, Nance, we are happy to have you!

Now, let's go see what the ladies have done with the colors of
 White and Aqua!


Our Guest Designer: 

Our Design Team:


The challenge will be open until July 14th @ 9:00am EST.

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge and the overall winner will have the opportunity to be a future Guest Designer.

Most important: just have fun!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful color combo! I'm thinking my card may have too much charcoal, so please feel free to delete it. You inspired me anyway!


Thanks for leaving us a comment as we love hearing from our participants. Happy crafting!