Monday, June 26, 2023

Reminder #66-Yellow and Green

 Hello Crafters, 

You still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  Just scroll down to find the fabulous gallery we already have along with the link!

 Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You have until 9AM (EST) on June 28th to join us!

Hope to see you in our gallery!


Friday, June 16, 2023

Color Hues #66- Yellow and Green

Hello crafters, 

 It is the middle of the month already, (can you believe it), and time for our next Hues of Color here at Color Hues!  Karen Walker is our fabulous hostess, and she chose a pairing that I know you are going to love!

  We also have Michele Ferguson joining us today as our guest.  Welcome, Michele!  We are so happy to have you designing alongside us once again!

Let's go check out all the fabulous inspiration below! 

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team: 



This challenge will be open until June 28th @ 9:00 AM EST

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!

Winner's # 65-Red and Aqua

Good morning crafty friends!  
I'm absolutely thrilled with the wonderful response to my color combination.  It sure made choosing my winners difficult, but I've narrowed it down 
to my favorites.  

 Let's go see who they are!


 Congratulations Rosemary D!  
You've been chosen as the Winner of our Challenge.

Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the details about guesting with us!

I've also chosen three cards that deserve a special shout-out. 
The Runners Up for our challenge are...

We hope you all will enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone that joined us!
We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!
Stay Tuned!

Jules (aka Julie P)


Monday, June 12, 2023

Reminder #65 Red and Aqua

 Hello Crafters, 

You still have plenty of time to join us for our latest challenge!  Just scroll down to find the fabulous gallery we already have along with the link!

 Here are the Hues of Color we have for you this time around! 

You have until 9AM (EST) on June 14th to join us!

Hope to see you in our gallery!


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Color Hues #65- Red and Aqua

Hello crafters, 

 It is the first of the month already and time for our next Hues of Color here at Color Hues!  Can you believe we are halfway through the year already? It certainly is flying by, don't you think? 

Jules P. is our wonderful hostess, and she chose a very pretty pairing of Red and Aqua for your inspiration for the next two weeks! 

  We also have Ineke joining us today as our guest.  Welcome, Ineke!  We are so happy to have you designing alongside us!

Let's go check out all the fabulous inspiration below, we have such a wonderful variety of cards that I know will inspire you!

Our Guest Designer:

Our Design Team:



This challenge will be open until June 14th @ 9AM!

The winners will be posted an hour before our next challenge goes live.
The overall winner will have the opportunity to be a 
future Guest Designer!

Most importantly, just have fun!


Winners #64-Orange and Slate Grey

Hello, Julie here with the winners of my Orange and Slate Grey challenge.

As per usual you didn't make it easy to choose my winner and top 3, so much diversity in the gallery. Some of you admitted to struggling initially with my colors but rose to the challenge and then some!  Anyway, I finally came up with my faves.

  So let's go see who they are!

Michele Ferguson

 Congratulations Michele!
Please send an email to Nancy-( 
and she will give you all the details about guesting with us. 

We hope you will all enjoy your Top Few Badge!

Thanks again to everyone that joined us!  

We will be back here in one hour for our next Hues of Color!

Stay Tuned!
